Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A Kinder, Gentler Workplace

I have been reading Dr. Wayne W. Dyer's book, Excuses Begone! He identifies the 18 excuses we use that prevent us from "living at the highest levels of success, happiness, and health". Although it is powerful information, the most impacting part of the book is when Dr. Dyer discusses the "four cardinal virtues".

Over 2500 years ago Lao-Tzu spoke of the "four cardinal virtues" (Dyer 231). They are as follows (Dyer 232-236):
  1. Reverence for All Life: This virtue is unconditional love and respect for all beings, including self.

  2. Natural Sincerity: Honesty, simplicity and faithfulness; this virtue is about being true to yourself.

  3. Gentleness: With this virtue there is no ego desire to dominate or control others. He says, "when you have the choice to be right or kind, always pick kind".

  4. Supportiveness: Practice service to others without any expectation of reward.

Thinking about these four virtues, I wondered what the workplace would look like if we tried to practice them on a daily basis.

We live in a soceity that is often tuned into station WIIFM (what's in it for me). The fourth virtue supportiveness, changes the channel to one based on making a contribution to others. It is exciting to think of how organizations would change with the practice of these virtues.

These four virtues provide a road map for life both personally and professionally. Ultimately, they lead to a kinder, gentler workplace when practiced on a daily basis.

What would be the impact of the four virtues on your workplace if practiced regularly?

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