Friday, January 4, 2013

It's a New Year!

I was shocked and dismayed to realize it has been three months since my last blog.  Since it was one of my intentions (I don't call them resolutions) to blog weekly in 2012, I fell short of the desired goal.  As I thought about this, I realized the importance of understanding my top priorities when setting intentions.  We always do those things that are of highest priority.

As you begin this new year, what are your top three priorities for the life you want to live?  What is the inspired right action you can take now to ensure those priorities are front and center? Celebrate what you did accomplish, have gratitude for the year gone by, and forgive yourself for those intentions that did not fully realize.  The good news is we get to choose the life we want to live!

I can't guarantee I will blog every week in 2013.  However, there will be times when I will feel inspired to share.  Be clear about your life priorities and let them guide you.  Have a joyful and prosperous new year!