Friday, September 7, 2012

Theory U: Part I

Once in awhile I read a book that really impacts me at a deeper level.  Theory U by C. Otto Scharmer is such a book.  Organizations are faced with a complexity of issues.  Scharmer addresses how to find the solutions for these issues.   

Listening and where we focus our attention is key.  There are four levels of listening he has identified as follows:
  1. Downloading:  How many times have you been in a conversation and said to yourself, "I have heard this all before?"  This type of listening reconfirms our habitual judgements, or what we already know.  
  2. Factual: In this type of listening we turn off the voice of judgement that is present in downloading. We pay attention to the facts and information we do not already know.  We ask questions and listen to the answers.  It is the basic listening mode of good science and is focused on the facts.
  3. Empathic:  We listen from the other person's perspective. We see the world through her/his eyes.  In order to do this we must have an open heart and feel as the other person does. 
  4. Generative:  In this type of listening we are changed by the conversation.  We are more present and authentic.  It is listening from the emerging field of future possibilities.
Most of us listen from levels 1 and 2.  However, to solve the myriad of problems facing our organizations, it is critical we learn to listen from levels 3 and 4.

Where do you find yourself listening most often?

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