Friday, June 15, 2012


We are constantly going through change and transition, both personally and professionally.  It is said change is inevitable.  One of my favorite resources for this topic is William Bridges' book Transitions; Making Sense of Life's Changes.  It has helped me navigate through multiple periods of change and transition. 

Bridges describes change as situational and transition as psychological.  Transition is the inner reorientation and self-redefinition that we go through to incorporate changes into our lives.  "Without a transition, a change is just the rearrangement of furniture" (Bridges, xii).

There are three distinct phases to transition as follows:
  • Ending:  This must be dealt with if we are to move on to whatever comes next in our life.  Endings consist of five aspects to include disengagement, dismantling, disidentification, disenchantment, and disorientation (109).
  • The Neutral Zone:  This often is the most difficult stage, and the one we want to either fast forward or reverse.  It may represent a time of emptiness, or feelings of being lost (133).  It may feel unproductive, although underneath the surface there is much happening.  It is a time of letting go.
  • New Beginning: The change and renewal occurs with the deconstruction of the structures and outlooks of the old life (157).  When we are ready for the new beginning a new opportunity will arise. 
It is critical to experience the transition process in order to find new beginnings.  Change and transition go hand-in-hand.  How have you navigated through all three phases of transition?

Friday, June 8, 2012

Innovation and Creativity

I recently heard  Glenn Karwoski speak.  He is managing director of Karwoski and Courage and teaches innovation and creativity to corporations.  He knows how to help organizations make creativity and innovation actionable.  

To see and think differently is simple and not easy.  Glenn suggests creating an innovation team.  In order to do that, ask and answer the question, to whom did I write my 10 biggest checks.  Make those individuals a part of the team.  Include vendors and partners that will help with the business.  Manage the process as follows:
  1. Clarify why the team is working together.
  2. Make operating guidelines explicit.
  3. Create an agenda and send ahead of time. 
  4. Depersonalize conflict by creating norms and uderstanding the differences of team members.  
For the innovation and creativity process to be successful try the following:
  • Encourage wild ideas.
  • Go for quantity
  • Build on ideas.
  • Allow one idea at a time.
  • Hold one conversation at a time.
  • Avoid judgement.  
Innovation is necessary for sustained success.  What is your organization doing to promote innovation and creativity?